You can save time and money buying CONTOUR®NEXT products from the convenience of your home without a prescription

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It may be cheaper to buy CONTOUR®NEXT Test Strips over-the-counter


The information is brought to you by Ascensia Diabetes Care US Inc. Provides general information and is not a guarantee of coverage or payment (partial or full), and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Actual benefits are determined by each plan administrator in accordance with its respective policy and procedures.

©2020 Ascensia Diabetes Care US Inc. All rights reserved.

Ascensia, the Ascensia Diabetes Care logo, Contour, No Coding, the No Coding logo, Sip-In Sampling, Second-Chance, the Second-Chance logo and Microlet are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Ascensia Diabetes Care.

Ascensia Diabetes Care, 5 Wood Hollow Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 United States 1-800-348-8100