Contact Us

This site and services are for U.S. residents only. To contact Ascensia Diabetes Care in another country, click here.

If you have a question for our Customer Support Team, please provide your information below.


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By clicking “Submit" for processing this form, you agree to the terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Statement, and agree that ADC may use information provided to us to communicate with you in accordance with those terms. You agree that ADC or a service provider on behalf of ADC, may contact you at the phone number set forth above. Also, you certify that you are are at least eighteen (18) years of age and the person referenced above, or the parent or legal guardian of the person referenced above. ADC may use your information to communicate with you about products, services, and/or programs that may be of interest to you, or to provide you with information relating to your healthcare treatment, payment for healthcare, or other health information or care coordination services. ADC engages third party service providers to perform certain services on our behalf. Pursuant to our Privacy Statement, we may share your information with one or more of our service providers. ADC and its service provider may contact you in a number of ways. Your consent to this contact is not required for purchase of products or services. You may contact ADC at the number below to obtain additional information or to opt-out of receiving telephone calls. Your service provider's airtime, message and data rates may apply.

We are available to help you.

Ascensia Diabetes Care offers comprehensive Customer Support for both Consumer and Health Care Professionals.


For CONTOUR® NEXT Blood Glucose Monitoring (BGM) System:

For Eversense® Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System:

You can play an important public health role by providing feedback on any adverse reactions or other product issues you’ve encountered with Ascensia Diabetes products.

To report an adverse event or to voluntarily report an error or issue with a Ascensia Diabetes product please call one of our customer service representatives at 1-800-348-8100 or contact the FDA/Medwatch at this link:

How to Report